Should I Be Worried About Long-term Effects of MMT?

Currently, there are no physical or psychological side effects associated with the use of methadone in maintenance treatment. Call 800-994-1867Who Answers? now to find reliable rehab centers where you can begin to recover from addiction.

Long-term MMT is Safe

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “Long-term methadone maintenance treatment at doses of 80 to 120 mg per day is not toxic or dangerous to any organ system after continuous treatment for 10 to 14 years.” Many studies have been conducted to prove the safety of this treatment program, and while methadone use is known to cause a number of side effects, including:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Sweating
  • Abnormalities in libido and sexual functioning
  • Sleep abnormalities
  • Altered appetites

these can all be managed medically and do not leave lasting effects. The long-term use of MMT is not considered to be dangerous, nor should users be concerned that they will experience severe side effects that will leave irreparable damage.

Should I Be Concerned about MMT’s Effects?

Long-term Effects of MMT

The long-term effects of MMT are manageable and shouldn’t be cause for concern.

Generally, no. This treatment option does not have very many long-term or highly severe effects for patients, and the benefits often far outweigh any minimal issues experienced. Still, there is one rare side effect that can possibly be associated with methadone use.

According to the National Library of Medicine, “Methadone may cause a prolonged QT interval (a rare heart problem that may cause irregular heartbeat, fainting, or sudden death).” Though this issue isn’t common, you should be concerned if you or anyone in your family has ever:

  • Had a slow or irregular heart beat
  • Had low blood levels of potassium or magnesium
  • Suffered from heart disease

If any of these issues are familiar to you, you should tell your doctor immediately. However, if you have no history of heart problems in your family, it is very unlikely that you will encounter this effect.

How Do I Stay Safe While Taking Methadone?

Although it is unlikely with this particular program, there is always a possibility that something may go wrong with a medical treatment. Therefore, it is important to always:

  • Let you doctor know about any other medications or supplements you are currently taking that might interact poorly with methadone
  • Talk to your doctor about any side effects you experience that do not subside or that worsen over time
  • Take your medication exactly as it is prescribed to you, never deviating from your dosage amount
  • Stay informed about your treatment regimen and always strive to take care of yourself beyond merely taking your medication

If you follow these general rules, you should not have any worries about the effects of MMT. The medication can be dangerous when misused, but according to a number of studies, it is extremely beneficial for those who choose to be maintained on it.

Seek Methadone Maintenance Treatment Now

We will help you find a rehab center that utilizes methadone as well as other treatment options to provide you with a safe and reliable recovery. Call 800-994-1867Who Answers? now to learn more about your options and to discuss any questions you may have about opioid addiction, MMT, and rehab.

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