I NEVER Want to Die in front of My Kids: How Opiate Addiction Treatment Saved My Life
Opiate addiction treatment saved my life and kept me from having to ever again experience the kind of fear I once did when I almost overdosed. If you or someone you love is suffering from addiction, call 800-994-1867Who Answers? to find safe, reliable rehab centers.
When I Almost Died…
I hadn’t wanted to overdose, and I wasn’t trying to kill myself. I had been using opioids for several months without a doctor’s prescription to self-treat a chronic pain issue. I thought it was safe, but now I know there’s a reason why doctors don’t want people to share medications or buy them online.
Unfortunately, I started taking these drugs every day just to get in and out of bed. And, honestly, I liked the way I felt when I was using them, which is what made them so dangerous to me. I felt like I had control over my use, though, so I didn’t worry.
One day, after picking my kids up from school, I was experiencing strange aches, so I took some of the medication. It had been a long day at work so I also decided to have a glass of wine.
I’m not sure if I drank too much or if I took too many pills, but I started to get so tired, I told my kids I needed to lie down. But before I could get to my room, I passed out. The next thing I knew, I was in the emergency department.
When I fell unconscious, my eldest daughter had called 911 like they taught her to in school, and the paramedics had taken me to the hospital. They were able to bring me back using naloxone, and though the experience was incredibly painful, I couldn’t stop thanking them. I knew how much worse it could have been.
Reliving the Memory

Without emergency care, an opiate overdose often results in death.
When I decided to go to treatment, my husband, friends, and family members were all very supportive. But I could hardly face what had happened on the day of my overdose. My kids had been there when I had passed out, and if my daughter hadn’t called 911, I might have died.
In rehab, the doctors put me on medication to treat my withdrawal symptoms and insisted I see a therapist. When I finally told my therapist what had happened, I broke down crying. I told her I never wanted to die in front of my kids.
She told me, even though it was a traumatic experience for me, it was also something I could use to remind myself how much I wanted to get better and avoid drug abuse in the future. I realized she was right; no matter how painful the memory of overdosing was, I could use it to make my recovery stronger.
I Chose Treatment and I Got Help
When you go through something traumatic or have a wake up call like I did, it’s easy to tell yourself the experience alone will be enough to help you put an end to your drug abuse. But unfortunately, it isn’t always the end. Once you start using, it’s incredibly hard to stop, and that’s why I had to seek treatment.
Knowing I never wanted to put my kids in that situation again was enough to get me into rehab, but I also needed professional treatment to stay strong over time. Sometimes, my cravings can be so intense, I forget about everything else. But because I chose treatment, I am able to recognize them when I experience them and cope with them instead of letting them control me.
Seeking Help Is Essential to Recovery
I know what my motivations are going forward, but I also have the help I need in order to stick to them. Without the treatment I received in the hospital and in rehab afterwards, I don’t think I would be alive today.
Find help for your substance use disorder by calling 800-994-1867Who Answers?. A treatment advisor will match you with the best rehab center for your current needs and make sure you are able to receive the help you require for a safe, effective recovery.