5 Fast Fix-It Solutions for Heroin Addiction
Heroin addiction treatment takes time and effort as well as the motivation necessary to ensure that you get the help you need. But here are 5 ways to fast track your recovery from heroin abuse and to start living the life you want. Call 800-994-1867Who Answers? now to find safe, reliable rehab and put an end to your substance abuse for good.
1. Attend Methadone Maintenance.
According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, “Methadone has been used for decades to treat people who are addicted to heroin and narcotic pain medicines.” The drug helps to minimize withdrawal symptoms and cravings as well as block the opioid receptors in the brain. This way, patients are not in danger of opioid relapse and can live their daily lives without the severe symptoms caused by heroin addiction.
Some individuals stay maintained on the drug for years, but this is a fast solution to heroin addiction in that a person will be much less tempted to use and be able to live their life if they take their medication properly.
2. Implement Contingency Management Into Your Treatment.

Setting goals can help you stay on track during recovery.
Contingency management can be an extremely helpful recovery option that will allow you to repair the damage to the reward pathway of the brain over time. As for fast tracking your recovery, contingency management will help ensure that you are less likely to relapse, and you will receive rewards for your positive behavior.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, contingency management “involves “giving patients tangible rewards to reinforce positive behaviors such as abstinence.” Patients take a drug test when they attend treatment, and in the event of a negative result, get a reward like a voucher for a product or service or a drawing in a raffle. The longer one goes without a relapse, the better the rewards become.
3. Get Your Loved Ones Involved.
Having your friends and family involved in your recovery will actually strengthen the benefits of treatment and help you in a number of other ways (NIDA). Knowing that your loved ones support you will help you stay motivated, and it will ensure that you do not have to go through everything alone. In addition, your loved ones can assist you in finding suitable treatment, get rid of any drugs or paraphernalia in your home, and help you during the times when you are not under the care of professionals.
4. Attend Support Group Meetings.
Many support groups meet in rehab programs, so it is absolutely possible to attend treatment and meetings at the same time. Narcotics Anonymous is a beneficial choice for recovery from heroin abuse, as the 12-step method has been very effective for a number of individuals. However, if you prefer a different approach, SMART Recovery offers a similar program based on self-actualizing principles.
5. Set Clear Goals and Boundaries.
One of the best ways to fast track your recovery is to be very clear with your boundaries. For example, heroin causes such severe effects in those who abuse it that abstinence is the only safe option. Make sure everyone knows that you cannot use the drug anymore, nor can you take opioid medications, as you have a predisposition to substance abuse.
Setting goals is also important. Make sure that you know when you want to be finished with your treatment, and talk to your doctor about it. Ask yourself when you will be comfortable to return to work, and work toward this goal. Tell your friends and family members about your goals and boundaries so everyone can encourage you as well as protect you from any potential issues you might encounter.
What Is the Best Way to Jump Start My Recovery Right Now?
The best thing to do is to find a rehab program that will cater to your needs and help you put an end to your heroin abuse. Without the proper, professional treatment, it can be extremely difficult to stop using, and because heroin is such an addictive drug, many people struggle with relapse and other serious issues during recovery. You can prevent these, however, by seeking help now.
We can assist you in finding the right rehab center for your needs. Call 800-994-1867Who Answers? now to find safe, reliable care for heroin addiction and to start the quickest path to recovery. We can also answer any questions you may have about treatment for opioid addiction. Call today.