Will Methadone Treatment Work for Oxycodone Detox Withdrawal?
In spite of its classification as a prescription opiate drug, oxycodone carries a high risk for abuse and addiction when abused, as well as when taken as prescribed. If you’re considering methadone treatment as a way to overcome oxycodone detox withdrawal, you’ve likely already tried to stop using or gone through drug treatment with little to no progress to show for it.
As far as oxycodone detox goes, methadone treatment offers an effective approach for helping addicts break oxycodone’s hold on their lives once and for all. With oxycodone being one of the more powerful opiate drugs on the market, the supports available through methadone treatment specifically address the physical and emotional challenges that make oxycodone detox so difficult to complete.
Oxycodone Detox Withdrawal Effects

Methadone provides relief from oxycodone cravings.
Withdrawal effects play a pivotal role in driving continued drug abuse. While withdrawal, in general, is uncomfortable, detox withdrawal symptoms can be excruciating.
According to the University of Illinois, withdrawal effects develop out of the chemical imbalances oxycodone creates in the brain. In effect, the longer a person abuses this drug, the more severe detox withdrawal symptoms will be.
For people coming off severe oxycodone addictions, there’s more than just physical discomfort at stake. After months or years of oxycodone abuse, stopping oxycodone use all at once leaves the brain in a highly unstable state, a condition that must be addressed at the outset.
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Methadone Treatment Effects
Methadone’s classification as a synthetic opiate accounts for its ability to relief uncomfortable withdrawal effects. According to Pennsylvania State University, its chemical makeup is specifically formulated to restore a normal chemical balance in the brain without posing a high risk for abuse and addiction or producing a “high” effect.
Since drug cravings, on top of withdrawal symptoms, can make it all but impossible to abstain from drug use, methadone treatment also provides considerable relief from drug cravings effects.
The mental and emotional symptoms that come with oxycodone detox withdrawal also wear away at a person’s ability to abstain from drug use. In effect, oxycodone addiction creates both a physical and psychological dependency on the drug’s effects, both of which work to drive continued drug use.
The methadone treatment approach incorporates a behavior-based treatment component that works to reinforce methadone’s therapeutic effectiveness. Interventions used in behavioral treatment help you develop an awareness of how addiction affects your thinking and behaviors and also helps you replace addiction-based behaviors with drug-free lifestyle habits.
While not everyone will require methadone treatment to make it through the oxycodone detox withdrawal, for those who do, methadone’s ability to treat existing brain chemical imbalances can be the determining factor in helping them complete this essential first stage in the recovery process.
If you or someone you know struggles with oxycodone addiction and have more questions about methadone treatment, please don’t hesitate to call our toll-free helpline at 800-994-1867Who Answers? to speak with one of our addiction specialists.