Can I Take Methadone to Help Me Overcome Gabapentin Withdrawal?
Methadone is commonly prescribed to treat chronic pain and physical dependence on heroin and painkillers. In the midst of the country’s nationwide opioid epidemic, methadone maintenance therapy has helped millions of individuals successfully overcome opioid addiction. While methadone is highly effective at treating opioid dependence, the drug may not be as useful at helping individuals overcome gabapentin withdrawal and withdrawal from other substances.
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Understanding Gabapentin Withdrawal

Suicidal thoughts are possible during gabapentin withdrawal.
Gabapentin is commonly prescribed to treat epilepsy, restless leg syndrome, and some behavioral health disorders such as bipolar disorder. While the medication is widely used for legitimate medical purposes, some individuals abuse and become physically dependent on the drug due to favoring its relaxing, calming effects. Some users even report experiencing euphoria when taking higher doses of gabapentin.
Users who become physically dependent on gabapentin often experience one or more mild to severe withdrawal symptoms upon quitting cold turkey. Withdrawing from gabapentin should occur gradually over a period of time under close medical supervision, since withdrawing abruptly increases the risk for seizures and other major health problems. Other serious gabapentin withdrawal symptoms include depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts.
At present, there are no medications approved by the FDA for use in treating gabapentin withdrawal. The safest way to withdraw from gabapentin is to work closely with a physician who can taper doses as needed until you or your loved one has fully overcome physical dependency. In most cases, your doctor can prescribe medications that can help relieve one or more gabapentin withdrawal symptoms.
Is Methadone Effective for Gabapentin Withdrawal?
When used to treat opioid addiction, methadone binds to opioid receptors in the brain and mimics the effects of heroin and other opioids without providing the same feelings of euphoria and pain relief. This helps recovering addicts overcome physical dependence on opioids without having to struggle with intense drug cravings and withdrawal symptoms. However, methadone cannot relieve withdrawal symptoms associated with non-opioid drug use such as marijuana, cocaine, and gabapentin.
Individuals who use methadone and still have traces of gabapentin in their systems may face a greater risk of health problems associated with respiratory and nervous system function. These individuals should consult with their doctors before proceeding with methadone treatment to rule out and prevent possible negative side effects. When used properly, methadone maintenance therapy can safely help opioid addicts overcome physical dependency on opioids, and allow them to repair and rebuild their lives without suffering cravings and painful withdrawal symptoms.
If you’re struggling with addiction to opioids, gabapentin, or another substance, understand it’s never too late to get help. Call 800-994-1867Who Answers? to learn more about methadone maintenance and gabapentin withdrawal.