Why Codeine Addiction Treatment?
Do you mix codeine cough syrup and soda or alcohol? Do you take codeine pills like they are candy? If so, chances are you are addicted to codeine. Since codeine is often billed as Tylenol 3 or as a lighter, gentler painkiller, it is not difficult to understand why people become addicts without realizing it.
Codeine is an opioid pain medication; opioids are highly addictive. If you are addicted to codeine, treatment is usually needed in order to beat the addiction. There are many very good reasons why you need opioid addiction treatment.
Codeine Cough Syrup and Codeine Pills Are Still Opiates
Even though they are for mild to moderate pain and coughs, they are still opiates. They act the same way in the body and brain as major opiates do. This means they force the production of dopamine and change the dopamine receptors in your brain, just as any other opiate does. According to the National Library of Medicine, they also have the risk of abuse, addiction, and death.
You Can Overdose on Codeine

Codeine withdrawal can cause severe depression and anxiety.
Taking too much of any opiate can kill you very quickly. It is easy to overdose, particularly if you are mixing cough syrup with alcohol or crushing codeine pills and injecting them.
If you are an opiate addict, opiate addiction treatment is one of the best ways to get away from the addiction. Call 800-994-1867Who Answers? to find a codeine addiction rehab, before it’s too late.
You Do Not Have to Be Uncomfortable During Withdrawal
Opiate withdrawal is extremely uncomfortable. Although it is not deadly, it is said to be one of worst withdrawals to endure. Some of these symptoms are:
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Nausea
- Abdominal pain
- Muscle and joint pain
- Anxiety
- Depression
Although these symptoms do not seem that bad at first, you have to consider their severity. Many describe opiate withdrawal as worse than death.
Many Codeine Users Move on to Heavier Things
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, heroin use is higher in those who previously abuse prescription opiates and opioids. This indicates that someone who abuses codeine will eventually move onto much heavier drugs. By finding addiction treatment now, you can stop this from happening.
Treatment Can End Your Addiction
Being dependent on a drug is a miserable experience. You always have to worry about your next high, withdrawal, and other issues. Life gets complex when you are defending your addiction to your employer and your family. You can make all of these problems stop by ending your codeine addiction with treatment.
You can find a codeine addiction treatment center simply by calling 800-994-1867Who Answers?. Although the road to recovery may seem impossible, with a little help from a treatment center it does not have to be.