Methadone Withdrawal Treatment: Does it Work?
Using an opiate to treat an opiate addiction sounds a bit like replacing one drug addiction for another. This is the way that many view using methadone to treat opiate and opioid addiction. There are circumstances where methadone is the best treatment option for both chronic pain and addiction.
In order to answer the question, does methadone withdrawal treatment work, it is important to understand the role of methadone in addiction treatment and why it is sometimes the best solution. Only then can you be sure about methadone and why you would want to discontinue its use.
Why use Methadone?
You might be asking yourself why use methadone if there is a possibility I will need withdrawal treatment. According to the National Library of Medicine, methadone is useful to those who suffer from chronic pain who need relief 24 hours a day and cannot take opioid or opiate medications for a variety of reasons. So methadone is an excellent medication if you:
- suffer from chronic pain
- are allergic to traditional opiates or opioids
- experience unpleasant side effects from opiates
- are addicted to opiates or opioid drugs
- other opiates do not work
Is Methadone Addictive?

With professional treatment help you can safely detox from methadone.
It is possible to become dependent on methadone even when it is taken as prescribed just like any other opiate. You can become addicted to methadone if you take more than your prescribed amount or use methadone in a way that your doctor did not recommend or does not know about.
Why use Treatment for Methadone Withdrawal?
If you are dependent on methadone and want to stop using it, change medications, or are addicted to it, you might want to use a treatment center for methadone withdrawal. It is important to note that methadone can be used safely for years without any problems once your dosage is stable. To find a methadone treatment center that is right for you, call 800-994-1867Who Answers?.
What is the Treatment for Methadone Withdrawal?
Normally the treatment for methadone withdrawal is tapering down the dosage until you are no longer dependent on the drug. Some people prefer to switch to Suboxone or buprenorphine if they are still experiencing chronic pain.
For this you will need to visit a treatment center or methadone clinic. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, counseling and other supportive treatments are also recommended for those who are addicted or highly dependent on methadone.
Are the Standard Treatments for Methadone Withdrawal Usually Successful?
Yes, a combination of medication and counseling is usually successful in allowing you to stop methadone successfully. It is not recommended that you stop it suddenly or on your own. You will need a treatment center to taper the dosage or switch your medications. A treatment center can also provide counseling and other supportive treatments to ensure your success.
Where can I Find Methadone Withdrawal Treatment?
You can find methadone withdrawal treatment simply by calling 800-994-1867Who Answers?. We can help you find the methadone withdrawal treatment center that is right for you.