5 Opiate Addiction Warning Signs & How Methadone Centers Can Help

It can be difficult to know for sure if you or someone you love is suffering from opiate addiction, but here are some clear warning signs of this specific disorder. In addition to being able to recognize one’s opioid addiction, seeking treatment is absolutely necessary to recovery. Call 800-994-1867Who Answers? now to find methadone centers that will cater to your needs and help you make a change for the better.

1. Dependence and Withdrawal

Although a person can technically become dependent on opioids even if they are not abusing them, consistent bouts of withdrawal are likely a sign that a person is misusing an opioid drug of some kind. Withdrawal from these drugs is similar to the flu and causes intense muscle, bone, and joint pain, according to the National Library of Medicine. People will often do anything to avoid experiencing these issues and may try to obtain more of the drug at any cost.

2. Secretive Behavior

People who become addicted to opioids will not want to stop using, and therefore, might start to hide their abuse in order to keep family members and friends from finding out. They may also hide drugs around the house or in their room in places they think others won’t look. When this starts to happen, a person’s abuse has likely started to snowball and will only continue to worsen.

3. Lack of Control

Opiate Addiction Warning Signs

Denial is a common warning sign of opiate addiction.

If you realize that you are starting to have less and less control over your substance abuse, this is one of the strongest signs of addiction. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, addiction actually changes the way the brain works, casing the brain to adjust to the excess amount of dopamine it receives when the person uses by changing the way it responds to it. As a result, a person will

  • Start to need more of the drug in order to experience the same effects (tolerance)
  • Not be able to gain enjoyment from anything except substance abuse
  • Desire the drug above all else, leading to compulsive use and drug-seeking behavior that is completely uncontrolled

4. Denying the Problem

Often, those who need the most help are experiencing severe denial about the intensity of their drug abuse. People who use opioids sometimes ignore the physical and psychological side effects these drugs can cause or opt to be treated for them with other medications rather than just putting an end to their substance abuse. Some individuals also ignore the issue when their loved ones bring it up or even become hostile as a result (NLM).

5. Experiencing Problems with School, Work, Relationships…

Experiencing severe issues in your daily life as a result of your substance abuse is a strong indicator that addiction has set in. These can include

  • Work problems like getting reprimanded, getting fired, etc.
  • School problems like failing grades, getting expelled, etc.
  • Relationship problems like fighting with loved ones or losing important relationships because of substance abuse
  • Legal problems like getting a DUI, getting arrested, etc.
  • Financial problems like using all your money to obtain drugs and being unable to pay your bills

If you are experiencing these issues, you are dealing with addiction and need immediate help in a professional rehab facility.

How Can a Methadone Center Help Me?

If you or someone you love is exhibiting even one of these opiate addiction warning signs, it may be time to seek help. Methadone maintenance treatment has been a staple of recovery care since the 1970s and has been used to treat many addicted individuals.

The drug methadone minimizes withdrawal symptoms and cravings while blocking the opioid receptors in the brain to keep a person from returning to substance abuse. Patients in methadone maintenance also attend behavioral therapy sessions, which help them learn to change their behavior and implement better life skills for the future, and a number of other treatment options that can be helpful for recovery (National Institute of Justice).

Want to Find a Safe, Reliable Methadone Center?

Call 800-994-1867Who Answers? now to find treatment that will suit your needs and help you put an end to your opioid abuse and addiction. Call today; our treatment advisors are standing by, ready to assist you.

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