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With a population of 129,638, Stamford, Connecticut has the second highest population of any city in Fairfield County, and the third highest of any city in the state. Locals with addictions to opiates like heroin or prescription painkillers should seek the services of methadone clinics in Connecticut. A methadone clinic Stamford is available to guide anyone here from the domination of an active opioid addiction to the freedom of a full and lasting recovery. There is no quick cure for addiction. Rather, it is a disease to be managed over a lifetime. This is one of the reasons it is important to be patient when you begin recovery and not rush any necessary part of the process. Don’t think that methadone alone will fix addiction, as methadone only treats withdrawal symptoms and drug cravings. You must also deal with psychological and behavioral issues that impact drug use through therapy. Also, to give yourself the time you need to fully heal, you should continue on methadone maintenance for at least 12 months.