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With a population of 157,935, Lakewood, Colorado is a home rule municipality that also has the highest population in Jefferson County. The residents of Lakewood who are feeling hopeless due to problems with heroin or other opioid drugs should turn to a Lakewood methadone clinic for treatment as soon as possible. All methadone clinics in Colorado are accredited to provide medically-supervised methadone treatment that will relieve patients of the intense drug cravings and devastating emotional and physical symptoms of opioid withdrawal. Once they are taking methadone and functioning well, patients are able to do the work needed to support not just a well-rounded recovery, but a recovery that will last for the rest of their lives. Although sessions with therapists and counselors are extremely important to this process, patients should also be willing to make major life changes, if needed. For example, if they have a romantic partner who is still using opioids, they will need to end the relationship to protect their own sobriety.