5 Ways Methadone Treatment Will Change Your Life

An opiate addict’s life is a constant cycle of ups and downs as they get the relief they need from the opiate only to crave more and begin painful withdrawals within a few short hours. Methadone treatment has the longest proven track record for helping opiate addicts make positive changes and take back their lives.

1) Reduction of Opiate Use

Methadone is a long lasting synthetic opioid that acts similar to other opiates by reducing pain, cravings, and withdrawals for 24 hours or more. Unlike other opiates that have a shorter half life and need to be replaced much quicker, it is metabolized in the liver and then stored until it is needed.

Methadone attaches to opioid receptors substituting the need for opiates and blocking the effects of other opiates, but, without producing euphoria which scientific evidence shows reinforces the addictive behaviors.

2) Stable Functioning

Because methadone builds up the person’s body and lasts longer, an appropriate dose can help the addict function with more stability. Opiate addiction can limit the addict’s ability to hold down a job or focus on important things in their life.

Methadone promotes a steady state of mind where the preoccupation with opiate use and the behaviors associated with it are gradually diminished and this relief allows the addict to be more productive in society which promotes even more stability in their life.

3.) Improved Psychological Health

Methadone treatment combines counseling with daily doses of methadone to guide and support the addict in obtaining their goals and continuing to progress in their opiate recovery. It is an essential part of helping the addict identify issues most import to them, cope with daily stress, rebuild relationships, and develop skills that will continue to improve their quality of life.

Moods, emotions, thoughts, and behaviors are positively altered as the brain heals and the addict’s psychological wellbeing no longer revolves around several uses of opiates daily.

4.) Improved Physical Health

methadone benefits

Methadone can help you lead a healthier, happier life.

Opiate addiction is often accompanied by poor eating habits, continuous stress, repeat withdrawals, and disregard of basic health concerns and most of these issues go away with methadone treatment.

According to the Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Opportunities in Drug Abuse Research, “With appropriate resources, the drug abuse treatment program could perform the following medical functions: assessment and diagnosis, referral to specialty care, coordination and monitoring, counseling, and primary care.”

Methadone treatment reduces the risk and spread of hepatitis B and C, AID’s, HIV, tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, and other chronic infections through reduction of needle sharing, education, and access to necessary medical treatments.

5.) Integrity

Opiate addictions can cause the addict to commit to engage in criminal activity, sex for hire practices, steal, lie, or neglect their responsibilities to get their next high. Methadone treatment supports behaviors that promote moral and positive changes and rebuilds hope and integrity in doing the rights things.

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