20 Logical Reasons why Methadone Treatment is Right for You
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, methadone is a safe and effective way to treat opiate addiction. Most people who undergo methadone maintenance treatment find that they are have their own reason for seeking this treatment but there are also many common reasons to use methadone treatment is right for your opiate addiction.
1. Methadone Reduces Pain
Because it is derived from opiates, methadone works to reduce pain like opiate pain relievers.
2. You Do Not Have to Worry about Carrying Something Illegal when you are on Methadone
Methadone is a prescribed medication that is typically administered in clinics, eliminating the risk of carrying drugs.
3. Methadone is Normally Inexpensive
When obtained from methadone treatment centers, as part of an addiction recovery program, methadone is very inexpensive or even free depending on your financial needs.
4. It Prevents Withdrawal
Methadone blocks opiate receptors, preventing the brain from recognizing the lack of opiates. This prevents withdrawal symptoms.
5. It Stops Cravings

Methadone treatment frees you from opiate withdrawal symptoms and cravings.
Methadone is long-lasting and operates on a slow release schedule, thereby reducing or eliminating cravings.
6. It Blocks the Use of Other Opiates
Since methadone blocks opiate receptors, it prevents other opiates from effecting the brain, making their use pointless.
7. Methadone can Help you Stay off Opiates
Without cravings for, or the ability to get “high” from opiates, it is much easier to stay off them.
8. Methadone does not Have Many Side Effects
All medications have some side effects. However, the side effects of methadone are typically mild, and occur only in rare circumstances.
9. Most People Recover from Addiction while Using Methadone
Methadone maintenance treatment has a very high success rate, particularly compared to addiction treatment that uses no medication.
10. You will not Have to Pay High Prices for Street Drugs so you will Have more Money
While on methadone, you have no need for opiates, eliminating the need to purchase them on the street, and saving you money.
11. You Have a Daily Supply of Methadone so you Never Have to Go Without
Methadone treatment is very exact, and requires regularly delivered doses. As such, people in methadone programs don’t have to worry about getting their next dose or not being able to get what they need.
12. You will No Longer Have to Lie to Your Family about your Drug Use
Once you are on methadone, you will have no reason to lie about illicit drug use, because you won’t be doing it.
13. You Do Not Have to Worry About the Dangers of Acquiring Illegal Opiates
If you are on methadone, you no longer have to deal with dangerous situations or people in order to get illegal drugs.
14. You will Not Lose your Job for Being an Addict
If you are in a methadone maintenance program, your job is protected by the fact that you are being treated for a medical condition, and not using drugs to get “high”.
15. You will Not Lose your Home Because you are Spending your Money on Illegal Opiates
When you are not using all of your money to support a drug habit, you are able to pay your bills and keep your home.
16. You can Function Normally on Methadone
Methadone does not get you “high”, allowing you to carry out everyday tasks normally.
17. Your Life will Resume a More Stable Course
Without the disruptions of obtaining and using illegal opiates, you are able to return to a normal life schedule.
18. Most People take Methadone Orally so No Needles are Involved
Methadone is almost always administered orally. There is never a need for needles or other unpleasant administration devices.
19. Secondary Risks and Infections are Not a Problem with Methadone
Because you are not sharing needles or smoking implements you reduce the likelihood of contracting an infectious disease or bacterial infections from skin and mouth injuries.
20. Methadone Leads to a Healthier You
Methadone often leads to freedom from drug addiction. Once you taper off methadone, you are healthier and you can start working on getting back to your life.
There are many other reason to use methadone treatment for opiate addiction. It is an excellent way to stop this devastating addiction. There are treatment centers across the country. To find a treatment center that offers methadone treatment call us at 800-994-1867Who Answers?.