10 Reasons to Seek Counseling Alongside Your MMT

Methadone is a great treatment for opiate addiction. However, it’s the most effective when combined with a number of treatments, such as Narcotics Anonymous, treatment facilities, and counseling.

Counseling in particular is essential for helping you on the road to recovery for a number of reasons. Here are the 10 best reasons to also seek counseling while you are undergoing methadone maintenance therapy.

1. Counseling Tackles Mental Addiction

Whatever drug you take ends up creating a physical dependency in your brain. Methadone helps to eliminate this dependency. However, you may still have an emotional dependency – you may be so used to taking the drug, that you don’t know what to do without it. Counseling can defeat this mental addiction.

2. Counseling With Methadone Prevents Relapse

The research is irrefutable – methadone and counseling make a great team together. One study found that using this combination together significantly reduces or completely eliminates illicit opiate use.

3. Counseling Builds Bonds in the Community

Reasons to Seek Counseling

Counseling will help you overcome negative emotions related to your past drug use.

Counseling will let you meet other, like-minded individuals who are suffering from the same problems as you. You’ll be able to build strong bonds with these people as you share your stories and feelings. They will help support you in your journey.

4. Counseling Repairs Emotional Damage

Taking drugs has probably wrecked your emotional state. Because of mistakes you’ve made, you probably feel a lot of shame and guilt. Counseling can help you navigate these feelings and learn to overcome them.

5. Counseling Helps You Realize Your Mistakes

Even worse than your own feelings is how you made people feel throughout your drug journey. Because of drugs, you’ve probably shattered a lot of personal relationships. Counseling can help you rectify these mistakes and learn ways to make them up to people.


6. Counseling Gives You the Skills You Need

Let’s face it – staying drug free is not an easy task, even with methadone to help. However, counseling can work to overcome a lot of the obstacles in your path. It can assist you developing the psycho-social skills and spiritual development you need for lifelong recovery.

7. Counseling Helps You Find the Real Issue

Often, people started using drugs for a reason. Dual diagnosis with drug addiction and mental health disorders is extremely common. In order to put an end to your drug use, counseling can find and provide treatment for these problems like depression or anxiety.

Remember if you’re feeling depressed or anxious, it’s important to seek help right away before you head back to drugs. Call us at 800-994-1867Who Answers? to speak with a specialist right now.

8. Counseling Gives You a Purpose

Without drugs in your life, you might feel like you don’t have a purpose. It’s hard to adjust when such a huge part of your life is suddenly removed. Counseling can help you find meaning in normal life again.

9. Counseling Lets You Talk

Sometimes, all you need to do is talk. Getting things off your chest, expressing your feelings, and connecting with others can go a long way in helping you stay away from drugs.

10. Counseling Offers New Management Techniques

Finding new ways to channel your energy is one of the best purposes of counseling. Instead of sitting by idly and thinking about how much you want to use, counseling can teach you better ways to spend your leisure time and employment.

Counseling and methadone are a dynamic duo that work best when used together. If you’re ready to take the next step and start getting help for your addiction, be sure to find a program that offers both. Call us at 800-994-1867Who Answers? to find the best treatment program near you.

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