Methadone Clinics in Fairfield, California

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The county seat of Solano County is Fairfield, California, which has a population of 117,133. Located in the San Francisco Bay Area, Fairfield is approximately 40 miles from the city centers of San Francisco, Sacramento, and Oakland. All methadone clinics in California are accredited by SAMHSA (the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration), which means that any Fairfield methadone clinic will be staffed by medical professionals trained to determine the proper methadone dosage for each patient and how to monitor those patients to adjust treatment as needed. Methadone works by interacting with the same opioid receptors in the brain that cause addiction, only methadone does not get the patient high. Instead, methadone stabilizes brain chemistry by preventing withdrawal symptoms and cravings, so that the patient can concentrate on making internal and external changes that support a new life away from opioid drug use. Methadone also blocks the intoxication induced by other opioids, so that relapse becomes unappealing.

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