Qualities of the Best Methadone Doctors
Methadone is most commonly prescribed to relieve serious pain. It is also used in some people who are addicted to an opiate and need help putting this in the past. While methadone treatment is not always the preferred strategy, there are many people, including doctors, who swear by its effectiveness.
In short, methadone can help prevent uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. As a result, it is much easier to overcome an addiction.
Where can I Get Methadone?
Many people are under the impression that they can purchase methadone over the counter, however, nothing could be further from the truth. This is an extremely powerful drug that should never be taken unless under the watchful eye of a qualified medical professional. Experimenting with this drug without professional supervision is a risk, which has the potential to cause serious illness or even death.
Methadone Maintenance Treatment
Methadone maintenance treatment is a program that involves the use of methadone as an opioid alternative.
Even though this type of treatment program is just now beginning to garner more mainstream attention, it has actually been used since the 1960’s. In the early years, it was proven that a methadone maintenance program could help people dependent on opioids better deal with cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
Methadone maintenance treatment can do many things, such as the following:
- Reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings
- Reduce the use of illegal drugs
- Reduce criminal activity
- Improve the person’s overall level of health
- Increase the likelihood of following through with substance abuse treatment
With so many benefits, you may have one question on your mind: why do people avoid this type of treatment? There are several reasons for this, with one in particular at the top. They don’t know how to get started.
Find a Methadone Doctor

Do your research before deciding on your doctor for Methadone treatment.
There are both public and private methadone clinics located throughout the country. By visiting one of these clinics, it will not be long before you meet with a doctor who can explain the pros and cons of this treatment and provide you with more information on getting started.
As you search for a methadone doctor, the last thing you want to do is jump the gun and decide that the first person you find is the best. This is not always the case. You owe it to yourself to search around, doing whatever it takes to find the person who can provide you with the appropriate level of care.
Here are the qualities associated with the best methadone doctors:
- Experience. The more patients a doctor has treated the more experience they will have. This will work in your favor, as it allows you to have confidence that the strategy you are employing is one that will yield results. Furthermore, an experienced doctor is one who has the ability to answer all your questions, no matter what they may be, in great depth. This alone will help put your mind at ease, as you are sure to have many questions along the way.
- Not willing to push methadone maintenance treatment on every patient. Let’s face it: there are many ways to overcome an opiate addiction. While methadone maintenance is a strategy to consider, there will be times when this is not the best path to a better future. The top doctors understand there are people who will respond to methadone treatment as well as those who are better off experimenting with something else. It would be easy for a doctor to prescribe methadone to everybody who walks through the door, but this is not always in the best interest of the patient.
- Knowledgeable as to what to expect. Just because you take part in a methadone maintenance treatment plan doesn’t mean the results are going to come right away. You want a doctor that is knowledgeable regarding what could happen along the way, both the good and the bad. For example, some people who use methadone to overcome an opiate addiction often find that they become dependent on the methadone itself. You want a doctor who discusses this possibility upfront and then gives you the knowledge necessary to decrease the likelihood of this happening.
Tip: ask questions. As a prospective patient, you have the right to ask as many questions as you want. The best methadone doctors will take the time to provide you with detailed answers, no matter what is on your mind. If a doctor is not interested in answering your questions, but only wants to prescribe the methadone and move on, you are better off seeking care elsewhere.
Knowing the top qualities of the best methadone doctors can help you find the medical professional that will help you reach all your goals. This is not a magic cure for an opiate addiction, but it has been proven successful for many years. The best methadone doctors know exactly what they are doing and how this treatment can help a person improve his or her life.