Is It Illegal to Use Methadone Recreationally?
It is illegal to use methadone recreationally. If you or someone you love has been participating in this dangerous and illicit act of substance abuse, call 800-994-1867Who Answers? to learn about your possible treatment options, and seek recovery now.
Methadone: A Schedule II Drug
According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, “Methadone is a Schedule II drug under the Controlled Substances Act. While it may legally be used under a doctor’s supervision, its non-medical use is illegal.” This means if you:
- Take someone else’s medication
- Buy the drug instead of obtaining it from a doctor
- Forge prescriptions for methadone
- Take the drug for a reason other than prescribed
you are breaking the law. Also, it is very dangerous to “take a larger dose, take it more often, or take it for a longer period of time or in a different way than prescribed by your doctor” (National Library of Medicine). Therefore, if you crush and snort the drug, inject it, or use it in a way other than prescribed, as well as take more of it than prescribed, you will be considered to be using it for recreational purposes. This is extremely dangerous and could lead to severe respiratory depression among other issues. For these reasons, it is illegal and not an approved way to take methadone.
Why is Methadone Used to Treat Methadone Abuse?

Forging prescriptions for methadone is illegal.
Many people do not understand why methadone is used to treat methadone abuse and addiction when the recreational use of the drug is what caused the problem in the first place. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, when methadone is taken as prescribed in optimal doses, it can treat withdrawal symptoms and cravings, minimize issues associated with ending drug abuse, and block the effects of other opioids, therefore maintaining a recovering individual in such a way that they can safely end their abuse of opioids.
Methadone, when used as prescribed either as a pain medication or a pharmacological treatment for opioid addiction, is a safe and reliable drug, but those who use it recreationally are the ones putting themselves in danger. However, it can be taken safely as long as you do not stray from your prescription.
What Should I Do If I Have Been Abusing Methadone?
Methadone abusers and addicts require intensive addiction treatment. Often, it is safest to begin with residential rehab and then to transition into outpatient care. One can receive many different treatment options, including traditional methods as well as holistic options and legal, housing, and vocational help.
By attending professional methadone addiction treatment, you can stop abusing this dangerous drug, receive help for any legal issues you may have, and begin to live your life again in a way that is safe and beneficial for you.
Call 800-994-1867Who Answers? today to find the right opioid rehab center for your needs. We can also help you find out which facilities will take your insurance and how much you will need to pay each month if you decide to finance your recovery. Call now and let us help you take the first step toward recovery.