Name | Address | City |
Premier Care Marion | 317 S Norton Ave | Marion |
Muncie Comprehensive Treatment Center | 3640 N Briarwood Ln | Muncie |
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Marion is one of the cities in Indiana where methadone clinics could be found. As of 2018, the city had a population of 28,047 which was a decrease in the figures of previous years. It has a total area of 40.58 km² of which 0.53% is water and it is the county seat of Grant County. People experiencing opioid dependency in Indiana or neighboring cities may visit any methadone clinic Marion Indiana for medical treatment of the situation. Methadone clinics are specifically set up for the dispensing of drugs for the treatment of opioid dependency. Although they are specialists, some methadone clinics in Indiana offer some mental health services. Methadone is approved by the Food and Drug Administration. It is effective and long-lasting. Although it is safe, it should only be dispensed at a methadone clinic certified by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Program enrollees are required to take medication strictly in compliance with the directives from the medication-assisted treatment professional. Compliant patients, after some months, may be granted permission to take medication at home and give feedback to the practitioner. Methadone maintenance is optional. The patient must signify voluntary interest after being briefed on all the possible risk factors and side effects of methadone maintenance.