5 Reasons You Need to Get Methadone Maintenance at a Methadone Clinic
Methadone maintenance from a methadone clinic can help you get through the withdrawals of opiates, while healing you both mentally and physically from your opiate addiction. There are five reasons you need help from a methadone clinic.
Opiate Withdrawals are Difficult
Going through the withdrawals from opiate drugs can be extremely difficult for you. Common withdrawals from opiates include, vomiting, nausea, cold sweats, insomnia, anxiety, fatigue, mood swings, diarrhea, and depression. A methadone clinic can help you ease these withdrawal symptoms so that you can focus more on healing yourself psychologically from your addiction.
According to the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, methadone clinics help a narcotics abuser avoid the negative and sometimes severe withdrawal symptoms from heroin or other opiate drugs. Methadone clinics view addiction as a disease rather than a psychological disorder or character flaw, and studies have found that methadone clinics can help users gain control of their lives.
Dealing with the Psychological Withdrawals

Methadone is an effective medicine, but it has some risks and side effects. Clinics can help you understand and cope with them.
Methadone will not help with the psychological withdrawals from an opiate drug, but by lessening the physical withdrawals you will be able to fully commit yourself to healing the psychological withdrawals by opening up and therapy and participating in support groups. Through a methadone clinic you will be provided psychological help so that you can get through the psychological withdrawals and deal with any emotional problems you are having from your addiction.
Learning about Management
Addiction is a chronic disease, which means that there is not a permanent treatment for the disease, but it can be managed. Through a methadone clinic you will learn strategies to help you manage your disease while you are in treatment, and apply these strategies to your life when you leave the methadone clinic and are back out in the real world.
Support is a key factor in overcoming an opiate addiction. Support will provide you with needed strength and will help you feel understood. At a methadone clinic you will have a whole team of people there to support you and help you in conquering your addiction.
Avoiding Dangers from Withdrawals
Going through withdrawals from opiates may be hard for you to get through, but they can also be dangerous. Withdrawals from opiates can sometimes even be fatal. However, at a methadone clinic you will be supervised and you will be provided with the proper doses of methadone to help maintain your withdrawals so that they do not become dangerous. This will help you feel safe and secure while you are battling your opiate addiction.